Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Now the American system of Justice will be changed

Every tactic used on this man to get the truth can now be used on the whitehouse staff to get the truth. Every heart shall be revealed in 30 months you, your friends, your lieutenants, your business partners will be found guilty of mass murder for the sake of making money.

The only difference between Iraq and the concentration camps of NAZI Germany is they have oil wells.
You only let the concentration camps guards & iraq "Kappos" speak silence the rest with Rheichmarshal Cheney click on

I have lost everything in the service of Christ count it with full joy that he honored me so much to make me the greatest pain in the ass to the phony religious parasites of the tribulation church

(all want me dead so bad the cracks in the "phony Godly"(commonly called churches which they use as a cash cow) is actually a mutual appreciation ejaculation spiritual circle jerk which locked the Real Christ out in 81 AD click on)

caused them to remove the news of the return of the Christ from the internet http://enochnarratives.homestead.com/EnochDaniel.html

Which was the entire reason I used the e mails as a weapon against the tribulation church and government leaders driving most of you up the wall. It was needed in order for Christ to have grounds to let loose the angel of death against the Christian ministers which took cover under the internet letter removed by the government. Now the United States Government and the "79 cent Christian franchise rap" cheer leaders have removed the only divine protection they had the demons can be unleashed to start killing them.

Know this it is my assignment to shake things up bad enough to have people want me dead which will cause them to send "love gifts" to each other click on


KenaiJoe said...

{Mariners} have written one of its most brilliant chapters. They have delivered the goods when and where needed in every theater of operations and across every ocean in the biggest, the most difficult and dangerous job ever undertaken. As time goes on, there will be greater public understanding of our merchant marine fleet record during this war [World War II]."
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

" During world war DAD served in Canada & US Merchant Marine with five times the death rate of the US Armed Forces rate to be rewarded by documenting the destruction of the greatest merchant marine into a third world nation status so Rockerfella could use foriegn flag ships to trade with north vietnam while governor and still become vice president with full knowledge of Congress knowing of his crimes.

I have first hand knowledge because I was offered a marine engineer's Job @ Time mmy brother was offered a Radio officer's job after his return from a year fighting the North Viet Cong working aboard ships trading with enemy owned by Gov. later Vice president Rockerfella. He wanted to control his company officers as if the was American officers except they had to supply the enemy side of his little scam making blood into money.

Dad died before the sins of America could kill him.

"Of course the Rockefellers are greedy for the profits produced by their alliance with the Soviet Union, but that cannot be the total answer. Lenin claimed that capitalists would sell the Communists the rope with which they would be hung, if it could be done for a profit. The Rockefellers know that. And now they are building them factories in the Soviet Union.
* A group of concerned Americans arranged for Sutton, who has testified numerous times before Congressional Committees, to present these facts before the COP Platform Committee in Miami in 1972. The committee did not show up to hear Sutton’s testimony and a scheduled news conference was canceled. A newsman told Sutton that his story was” too hot- for the newspapers to deal with. When Sutton returned to Hoover, he was ordered by his superiors to make no more public statements during the campaign. Somebody important had obviously made a phone call. Later, Sutton’s contract at Hoover was not renewed. He obviously was stepping on too many tender toes.

But the Rockefellers are not fools. They are brilliant, far-sighted plotters who became immensely powerful by devious Machiavellian planning, and by infiltrating, subsidizing and controlling their opposition.

Plain old-fashioned common sense insists that the Rockefellers know something about Communism that we do not. Since they subsidize it and do not fear it, logic tells us they are either partners with the Communist hierarchy - or they control it.

But if this is true, how do the Rockefellers keep their partners from taking the gun and turning it against their secret backers? We do not pretend to know that answer. There has to be a control mechanism. The Rockefellers would not be so foolish as to let a competitor put a pistol to their heads-let alone provide the pistol. So we must conclude once again that the Rockefellers know something that we do not. Certainly this ultimate secret is known only to the top handful of the conspirators. No researcher is going to learn the answer by pouring over the New York Times at his local library.

Because we cannot identify the control mechanism, or describe how it works, many will ridicule our thesis. But, how do they explain the fifty-year Rockefeller program to build the power of Communism? Since the days of John D. Sr., the Rockefellers have prided themselves on their intelligence-gathering capabilities. They know more about their competitor opponents than those competitors know about themselves. You can bet your bippy that the Rockefellers are not naive about the Communists". full story

I know the control mechanism: rod of iron: 01-23-08
Fiscal Theory of Hyperdeflations for idiots...Senator Hillary:

America has used WAR as its major industry to become the worlds' last super power. We have committed genocide on the people living here first (with the same cunning as all serial murderers). This comes from demon control passed on through time by ministers molesting children both boys and girls which have all the major demon kingdoms passed into the families in America from the rest of the Roman Empire which also has the same problems with war and serial murders. CLICK ON

Autopsy of ex richest nation on earth.

The elephant in market Mega bank destruction no one talks about.

But the one which tells you exactly how the stock market is rigged was removed by the INTERNET POLICE
Stock Market is rigged click on
(Thursday, 08 March 2007)

Contributed by enochrodofiron
Why NYSE went down so fast its just the beginning Contributed by enochrodofiron Friday, 02 March 2007 the thing to look for in the stock market is a single day drop of 777 points which has already happened click on except that the Dow Jones average is manipulated by market controllers to prevent by them programming auto mastic program buys by major institutions to prevent 777 drop giving the impression of a stable market. It is a simple matter for them to prevent a single day drop of 777 points by computer control but what is not so simple is the lack of faith in the NYSE which has... (3348 more chars)

Senator Hillary: Unless you want to see oil at 300 dollars a barre ll make sure the Monument is paid to Edward called Enoch by Christ to establish the Hidden book in Middle east as the basis for peace plan from the Holy of Hollies.

Quote from one of the 10,000 saints of revelations coming to power with Enoch rod of iron on the return of the Christ.

"There is a God in Heaven which you have spurned and ignored and He
has allowed you, in His plan, to pull this Fed scam on the stupid
and indolent American people. There is coming a day, and very soon
in which all of you will stand before Christ and be cast into an
eternal hell. Every secret deal you made, every war which killed
innocent children and young men and women, you will give account
for. You will have no power nor excuse. Many of your colleagues are
awaiting the judgment right now and they will weep, as you will,
realizing that for a few years of luxurious living, an eternal hell
is awaiting. That is the interest you will pay."

of course he was nothing compare to Bush

KenaiJoe said...


KenaiJoe said...

Administrators of dozens sites: Remember the collect ability rules. $50 a word providing no one attacks, stops, destroys or blocks any messages. As I explained if someone deletes, insults, rejects any message from the Hidden Book they are blocked from authorization lose all right to redeem any messages at all. All messages they have are informational only.
Soon Christ will prove every word I wrote everyone will claim the believed in the Hidden Book just like the Jews will say they never killed the Christ it was the Romans. I expect you all to keep tract of those who insult, reject, or delete message illegally from any site.
Those people who have access are limited by code in all areas (which is recorded by MSN) supply the tracking of all messages since they will have to pay for blocking the messages prior to Bill Gates restoring all sites. Anyone who illegally deleted messages will pay $50 per word times the number of people who would have an opportunity to collect.
In short they will lose their homes which they could have paid for with messages kept sent to them at $50 per word (which as explained will be the Basis for Money when Christ returns) since all the Land Masses of North America, South America, Africa and Europe was given to me as fee simple estate direct from God making all other property ownership Moot and Illegal. Only those persons with enough message value will be able to redeem their property and other people’s property when Christ returns with administrators collecting a 15% administration fee on all redeemed and authorized words from the messages of the Hidden Book

Stalking horse

horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking.

Understand this the War in heaven is over Lucifer Lost. What is left is a mop op operation on earth. "And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. ..............................Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. ..................................................................But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. .........................Right now Christ is the hunter, he is looking for those people as below, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’............................Christ will give to those who have faith in Him everything that the world has stolen from the weak, the poor, the meek the damaged, those who was abused by governments, business corporations, the 5% of mankind that lived as parasites on the backs of mankind. He uses me as a stalking horse, I go from site to site looking for those awake waiting for the end waiting for the end of mankinds rape of the earth and its brother. The truly evil will die and burn in hell, but that is nothing it serves no one to hear 3 billion people died today. It does not teach anything and christ is above all a teacher. He wants to teach that have the wealth the power the things they hold so dear that they have no room in thier heart for the truth a lesson that they will never forget for 1000 years. he plans on stripping everyone of property rights for the earth and redistributing just as he did In the Middle east.. My job as a stalking horse is publish the hidden book of revelation bring the good news of his return and extract judgement on those who have contempt for God by taking away everything the think is more important than God and give it to those who are ready to hear and do the will of God. you will not be asked to anything illegal or sinful or harmful. Be like the jews in the concentration camps record those people who rejected the Hidden Book and thier property is yours when Christ proves the Hidden Book is true.

January 26, 2008 7:18 AM