Saturday, March 28, 2009

fearful to fall into the hands of the living God.

From: christ bearer usa

To:;;Subject: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 12:34:31 +0000

Subject: RE: CHINA rejects american dollar based future

Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 13:15:41 -0700


To: christ bearer usa

You sir, are silly


But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The Gospel According to St. Matthew Chapter 23

Then spake Jesus to the multitudes and to his disciples,saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses seat: all things therefore whatsoever they bid you, these do and observe: but do not ye after their works; for they say, and do not Yea, they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men`s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger.

But all their works they do to be seen of men: for they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the chief place at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the salutations in the marketplaces, and to be called of men, Rabbi.But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your teacher, and all ye are brethren.

And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, even he who is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your master, even the Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled; and whosoever shall humble himself shall be exalted.

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye enter not in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering in to enter.Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows` houses, even while for a pretence ye make long prayers: therefore ye shall receive greater condemnation.Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is become so, ye make him twofold more a son of hell than yourselves.

Woe unto you, ye blind guides, that say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor.Ye fools and blind: for which is greater, the gold, or the temple that hath sanctified the gold?And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it, he is a debtor.

Ye blind: for which is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift? He therefore that sweareth by the altar, sweareth by it, and by all things thereon. And he that sweareth by the temple, sweareth by it, and by him that dwelleth therein. And he that sweareth by the heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye tithe mint and anise and cummin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law, justice, and mercy, and faith: but these ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone.Ye blind guides, that strain out the gnat, and swallow the camel!

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full from extortion and excess.Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the platter, that the outside thereof may become clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead men`s bones, and of all uncleanness.Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but inwardly ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and garnish the tombs of the righteous, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we should not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.Wherefore ye witness to yourselves, that ye are sons of them that slew the prophets.Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?

Therefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: some of them shall ye kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city: that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous unto the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom ye slew between the sanctuary and the altar.

Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Now the American system of Justice will be changed

Every tactic used on this man to get the truth can now be used on the whitehouse staff to get the truth. Every heart shall be revealed in 30 months you, your friends, your lieutenants, your business partners will be found guilty of mass murder for the sake of making money.

The only difference between Iraq and the concentration camps of NAZI Germany is they have oil wells.

You only let the concentration camps guards & iraq "Kappos" speak silence the rest with Rheichmarshal Cheney click on
I have lost everything in the service of Christ count it with full joy that he honored me so much to make me the greatest pain in the ass to the phony religious parasites of the tribulation church

(all want me dead so bad the cracks in the "phony Godly"(commonly called churches which they use as a cash cow) is actually a mutual appreciation ejaculation spiritual circle jerk which locked the Real Christ out in 81 AD click on)
caused them to remove the news of the return of the Christ from the internet

Which was the entire reason I used the e mails as a weapon against the tribulation church and government leaders driving most of you up the wall. It was needed in order for Christ to have grounds to let loose the angel of death against the Christian ministers which took cover under the internet letter removed by the government. Now the United States Government and the "79 cent Christian franchise rap" cheer leaders have removed the only divine protection they had the demons can be unleashed to start killing them.

Know this it is my assignment to shake things up bad enough to have people want me dead which will cause them to send "love gifts" to each other click on

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Internal Energy of Matter Ahmadinejad friend of God

Internal Energy of Matter

Ahmadinejad friend of God Wednesday, 24 December 2008

BOOK OF AHMADINEJAD not the ones with GUNS, Bombs, or weapons who will destroy the beast of revelations it is the 144,000 who can destroy with words alone backed by an act of God something Constantine was so afraid of he came up with a false baptism to stop it 1650 years .

I warned Bush in 2005, 2006, 2007, Tell Tony Blair to stay in office because I asked God to slow the sinking of England into the sea which would happen five times faster if he left office



Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will deliver a Christmas Day broadcast on Britain's Channel 4 television, occupying a slot used to provide an often controversial counterpoint to Queen Elizabeth II's traditional annual message,

Ahmadinejad offers seasonal greetings to Christians and says he believes that if Jesus were alive, he would "stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers, says most of the world's problems stem from leaders who have turned against GOD.

"If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over," Ahmadinejad said, according to the text.

Ties with the U.K. were further strained in 2007 over the detention by Iran of 15 British sailors and marines, who were held for 13 days.

Ahmadinejad's message follows similar Christmas broadcasts on Channel 4

Ahmadinejad spoke in Persian, with subtitles in English


March 26, 2007: President dr-ahmadinejad. I offer you friendship and fellowship in the Name of the God of Abraham and from one who has studied all the major belief paths I can honestly say that the Lord Jesus Christ would be more comfortable in any Islamic home than a Christian one due to the Jinn that took control of Religion in Both his name and the Holy Name of I Am he who is.

The children of the God of Abraham have been divided by Satan into three groups which he uses to wage war against each other in...

Last Night I was talking to my wife from the Lord and she was asking why did God allow things such as this, She then told a story about a beautiful young Catholic High Schoolgirl who went out on Exchange program outside Lithuania came home to surprise her family but was robbed beaten to death by killers who when caught just said "she just kept on praying (this was in communist times) so we beat her to death!

I then explained to my beloved That God did save her he brought her home and all of Heaven including Christ stood up welcomed her into heaven and stood to honor her home.

I explained that to die with a prayer on your lips and heart filled with praise is the highest death anyone can ever hope for.

Release the 15 BRITS with a warning to stop acting like their great great great great grand fathers did with American seamen by disregarding Waterways anything from a cannon shell out to open sea is Iran's national Boarder

I keep the Spiritual Leader of Iran before the throne of God because he is closer to the God of Abraham than the Pope who I also keep in prayer hoping that he will get the stones to correct the false doctrine of the Roman whore.

To save the 100 million people who will die if he doesn't by the order of the Living Christ.
WHO THE POPE has locked out of his Church to serve the pagans Gods of the empire of Rome with a Christian whitewash over pagan idols.

The war in Middle East could be over now if George Bush obeyed the Lord Jesus Christ which are blood relatives to the Children of Palestine and not relaated to the Tribe of Levi which has no claim on Israel at all nor the converts to Israel over one thousand years ago who have no covenant with the God of Abraham for one hector of land anywhere in the middle east.

Although the suicide bombers are deceived they die in faith and will be honored by Christ as Saints of this tribulation time to the shame of the money-grubbing parasites which sold the words of YHWH and his Christ like a box of soap.

Scriptural words about suicide a nation of deceived betrayed slaves of the almighty dollar from which God will now cull by 90% deceived in knowing sexual & financial crimes caused the exact same God of Abraham to destroy Israel so many times for causing the problems she has provoked the United States to kill people over see other letters sent to you.

site was set up for the world in anticipation of you releasing the 15 Brits which you treated like guest thank you. Forgive the foolish manners of the west blocking your speech as the Soviets did for 70 years..

MAKE ROOM FOR 15 BRITS click on copies of e mails for United Nations or Iraq study Group upon request (no more freebies)


Mankind preferred to worship the Roman Empire instead of Poverty stricken Messiah everybody loves a parade especially pagans

everybody loves a parade especially pagans

pyrimid which came from the Sanhedrin through the secret society established by King Herod Agrippa The Origin of Freemasonry

Masonry was founded by King Herod Agrippa with other eight Jewish Founders In the year AD43,





The trinity was a political device a demonic trap which robbed 90% " men of God" credit doing a job may have the right heart losing blessing believing teachings of men Christ prophesied warned would happen two thousand years ago.

The same mistake the Pharisees made.Christ scolded them for their teaching oral traditions equal to the word of God.(The oral traditions in Jewish history later became the "Misnah" 800 years after now known as the written traditions codified as sacred writing).

leadership of the Roman Church fell into the same demonic trap as the Pharisees.

Three centuries after the demons nailed him to a Tree they ruled the Leadership of his Roman Church using money as the honey in the trap.

seven sacred cows in the book Demons & Money Changers line up with the seven Churches in Revelations negative spiritual growth trends Christ Warned prophesied. Omega Chapter of Hidden Book of Revelations the one that John the Apostle ate.

Restored April 4, 2002 (is also the almost hidden sura of the Quran).

protected from demons understanding how Christ was going to destroy the Three dimensional artistic representation of demonically controlled minds and souls of the leadership of his bride twisted into a ugly evil whorish caricature of the spiritual corruption.

This is the fullness of Jezebel

say unto the people of the land, Thus saith the Lord GOD of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of the land of Israel; They shall eat their bread with carefulness, and drink their water with astonishment, that her land may be desolate from all that is therein, because of the violence of all them that dwell therein

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Christ is talking about the children of Palestine they are the true Jews not Israel. Why would the Sanhedrin want them dead unless they was true heirs of Jesus Christ

This the intelligence you thought you could make a buck off at the end of the world GW. BUSH Most people who think badly about you don't know the simple truth.


You will pay the price for 1000 years but your same character defects exist in Obama, Hillary, U.S. Government and all paid religionist of every religion of the God of Abraham and all pagan religions.

I know how you think and why you think the way you do. That was why God had me write to you for seven years. God wanted you to learn to think the way I do.

Good news Christ isn't a military Hitler, he does not have to be one their are millions of men who want to be his generals he picked the only man on earth who didn't.

Before he made the first particle in the physical kingdom he already knew every possibility and consequence of every action and prepared for it built into the system of physical laws of cause and effect.

Talking about Messiah - The Messiah as Military Leader Here is your answers however without a good education it will be worthless to you:

The spiritual creation void of the physical three- Dimensional universe, in other words a realm of existence without time, distance or space that is exactly the type of place that would Have to exist before the big bang could happen.

We know that our Universe is thought of being 15 billion years old and the earth to Be 4 to 5 billion years old. We do not know all about Lucifer's fall but a second creation our creation started because Lucifer did fall.

9] Since time didn't exist at his fall we can perceive that time came into existence because of his fall.

10] We came into existence Also because of his fall

According to the Big Bang, the universe emerged from an extremely dense and hot state (bottom). Since then, space itself has expanded with the passage of time, carrying the galaxies with it. According to the Big Bang, the universe emerged from an extreme dense and hot state (bottom). Since then, space itself has expanded with the passage of time, carrying the galaxies with it.In physical cosmology, the Big Bang is the scientific theory that the universe emerged from a tremendously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago.

The theory is based on the observations indicating the expansion of space in accord with the Robertson-Walker model of general relativity, as indicated by the Hubble redshift of distant galaxies taken together with the cosmological principle.

Extrapolated into the past, these observations show that the universe has expanded from a state in which all the matter and energy in the universe was at an immense temperature and density.

Physicists do not widely agree on what happened before this, although general relativity predicts a gravitational singularity.

The term Big Bang is used both in a narrow sense to refer to a point in time when the observed expansion of the universe (Hubble's law) began — calculated to be 13.7 billion (1.37 × 1010) years ago (± 2%) — and in a more general sense to refer to the prevailing cosmological paradigm explaining the origin and expansion of the universe,.

As well as the composition of primordial matter through nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory.

From this model, George Gamow was able to predict in 1948 the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).

The CMB was discovered in 1964 and corroborated the Big Bang theory, giving it more credence over its chief rival, the steady state theory.

According to the Big Bang, the universe emerged from an extremely dense and hot state (bottom). Since then, space itself has expanded with the passage of time, carrying the 
galaxies with it. One creator made all of the realities to keep him and his children occupied as he sat in the Loneliness of true reality. There is God singular and nothing else.We the created even the demons and Hell itself is better than what existed in God for eternity of eternities before he thought of creation. That is why there is one bride for one God we are on a hellish ride of our Honeymoon before our wedding night..

I told you what the face of God looked like. Imagine being outside of Universe and our whole universe was but a Single star in a Galaxy of lights Stretched across a open area longer than any measurement contained Within that is everything that God has made will make everything That is or will be.

That is the face of the ancient one the Christ's his entrance into the microscopic world!

I understand intellectually about how strange and different my perception of "Reality" since April 4, 2002, my constant state of Joy prevents me from making emotional links to anyone who can't accept by faith the information Christ imparted to me in the Hidden Book.

The initial heavenly joy of the redeemed (after death) is overwhelming and that is for both General Believers and those whom Christ imparted divine offices (males) through Baptism of the Holy Ghost (acts ch. 2 verse 37 & 38). Although many believers are saved in general salvation, which is the only true reason to exist.

Heirs Christ ordained to his government IF OBEDIENT TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, will know instantly of Christ presence because they already tasted it through out their walk and will be before the throne while they also greet and being greeted by those that have gone before.

The ability to be before Christ immediately comes from the character building the Holy Ghost accomplished in men permits them to stand before God without further purification and spiritual growth most general believers go through purification due to the demons which controlled their soul up to physical death.

The general salvation is an eternal reward for coming to earth. Knowledge then will flood the person's soul bringing their existence before their physical birth while still in the mind of God now becoming conscious of their pre mortal existence. Beloved family will greet and embrace and begin the walk to the throne of God,

The length of the walk to first see God is dependent on the person's obedience to God. Every general saved person is joy filled the only real difference between the Christians in the outer courtyard and "Christ blood family and Heirs" in the Holy of Holies is about the same type difference of children in a classroom.

All Demons are removed prior to entrance into heaven for those children that failed to rid themselves of Demons of this life. As the rule of thumb the less demons the shorter the walk.

Scripture for this is "That No Liars shall go to heaven." This is referring to the demon which is the Liar (demonically deceiving all humans) the demon must be removed before the human soul can gain access this what "No Liars shall go to heaven."

Otherwise there would be no human beings in heaven since due to the curse the demons raised us to lie all the time mostly to ourselves they're by justifying our sins in our own soul.

PROPHET IS A TIME TRAVELER prophesied in June about destruction of Stock market and wall street suicides from it

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Meaning of new value AAA just because you have 3 of them does not change the fact you need a 1000 toilets to flush away most of wealth of wall street in 18 months.

If any corporation wants to stop losing billions they better get in touch and find out how otherwise Wall street will need How To Deal With Your Colostomy Bag as the Corporations stuff WALL STREET with worthless paper from the Destroyed FED.

use this chart to see how far down the dollar will go unless BUSH follows the perfect will of CHRIST and surrenders in preparation for his return. Look at the peak of 1982 when interest rates was nearly 20% imagine how much value will be lost for America if the dollar drops in value to a yen.

When the old emperor was dying the yen rose and fell according to his EKG reading. Around 145 yen to the dollar. You don't think one man regardless of the education of WALL Street training cannot change money markets?

That was a war criminal who actually claimed to be GOD on Earth.

I only claim to be an advance man for God who promised to exactly what I wrote 2500 years ago and have proven it time and time and time again in prophesy. The loud swishing sound is all the colored pieces of paper called money being used as toilet paper.

AMBAC you know that remark about the unnamed person who told you 12 billion dollars is not enough to stop the blood from flowing down WALL Street?

He was being too optimistic. Here is a stock market tip rent shot guns by the hour with a crime scene camera to save all the court time as most of wall street kills themselves. bright new venture maybe you go public with get a IPO out of it
end of prophetic posting

The Messianic age will be heralded by a Messiah from the tribe of Joseph ...Remember Jewish Law says the Mother determines the blood line but Joseph was a type of Christ he could have supplied the male DNA for David DNA, According to Torah law, the first-born receives a "double portion" (pi sh'tayim) relative to his siblings. Thus Joseph is entitled to two tribes who will have rights to two portions of land in the Land of Israel.


View my complete profile

KAPPA The Cross a logical end.

Date: 05/01/2004 1:51:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time notice the date

click on go to end of message notice the date it was published april 4, 2002 when ahmadinejad released the 15 brits I asked him original message destroyed by Karl Rove and Naval intelligence I have it on floppy noticed the virus program and copied it.

Beloved, Christ is preparing a message for Bush concerning Iraq . Bush was warned about having women around demonic centers by me when he captured Saddam.

He ignored the instructions. Instructions for preventing demonic contamination have been ignored by the military. Some fall out from this is soldiers coming home and killing their families.

This is a byproduct of waging war in countries ruled by ancient demons. American demons are more sly and they cover themselves with "sweetness & Light" but they have killed a whole generation of

American children in the womb and destroyed the minds of those that lived.

Our Educational systems have betrayed this nation so that foreigners will control and rule our land without anyone firing a shot. The sealed information in the retired judges safe is coming true soon.

I will destroy the stock market then Christ will provide a clean renewable resource for fossil fuel dropping the price of oil to $10 a barrel then he will destroy Anchorage Alaska .

I suggest strongly that everyone who has money to invest to buy property in the inner city, two years ago I wrote that the nobility of Christ will be put into positions of opportunity if they follow the instructions I wrote down two years ago.

The only safe industry is ones that are spiritual based and are in the service industry of the Church using non profit status until I destroy the protect tax advantage according the seven sacred cows instruction from Christ to be slain at his command. By the time that I make churches pay taxes as an example to the rest of the country to eliminate the privilege demons have created using Christ own words as a means to control the governments only those illuminated by the Hidden Book will be able to be ahead of the curve and gather the "nettles" of economic reins and drive this country into the socio economic area protected by Christ the rest of the world economies will follow suit without a whimper because though the speak great things with their mouth they worship money and those that control it.

Only Illuminated Christians with wisdom and understanding of scripture greater than all paid religionist today will be able to follow simple basic honest directions that hurts no one but serves both the giver and the receiver. Have a nice day, Love Enoch

KAPPA The Cross a logical end. click on Saturday, January 26, 2008

Christ drew my attention back to the last week of years, this time period by saying this is important I want you to focus on this laid out time of the seven weeks of years like a movie .

I kept wanting to go back to the creation before he made the universe or after the end of the universe because it was much more interesting than our universe. Nevertheless I obeyed.

Earth Markets are controlled by Information transmitted from the Future back into time. It requires a Nuclear Power Plant.

Everything makes sense those ( like scanner) who complain it doesn't fit into tiny little boxes they neatly imprisoned their mind are seen clearly as demonic mental traps set up by programming of paid religionists which are of the same mind as Lucifer.

Wanting to gain control over everyone by not understanding scripture but using scripture to control everyone else and then gain some glory or some power away from God.

All men who think they are something because God gave them an office miss the point of why God gave them an office.

It is not to restrict the growth of the children but increase the growth of the children spiritual but in order for that to happen the ministers must first open the mind they have been trapped in by Lucifer's logic.

If we use Divine logic we can control both Lucifer and the fallen angels and demons but if we use Lucifer's logic we are controlled by the fallen angels and Lucifer and the demons.


Enoch was healthy, young a working shift Engineer in automated Nuclear Power Plant trying to finish a project left undone by operators (they was hiding goofing off somewhere). In walks a man dressed in white coveralls leading a bunch of trailing along behind him. Enoch asks "What the hell are you doing here"? This is a secure area I can't have your group walking around touching valves and controls !

One female student spoke up We are authorized by management to be here! I told her you're not authorized by me to be here, get out until I can find someone to accompany you, both operators are busy now.

The Doctor/professor said yes of course left with the group. Later one of the other employees said to Enoch, You kicked out a very important man he was given control of the entire Power Plant by the Government.

Enoch responded if he was so important he should have known better be more careful in a secure area! While working in the magnetic experimental area (integrated into the Nuclear Power Plant) same place the professor and group was Enoch saw a dissolving of reality into a bubble between the real world and what could only be called a hallucination with a wavy electric magnetic particles going backwards like tiny bubbles in a soda breaking away from the real world. In the Bubble was the Doctor and grad students laughing.

As I pointed at them with my finger, the doctor stacked q particles on my finger like a vendor does with pretzels on a stick.

Cursed Stock Market

thing to look for in the stock market is a single day drop of 777 points which has already happened click on except that the Dow Jones average is manipulated by market controllers to prevent by them programming auto mastic program buys by major institutions to prevent 777 drop giving the impression of a stable market. It is a simple matter for them to prevent a single day drop of 777 points by computer control but what is not so simple is the lack of faith in the NYSE which has dropped by 40% since my first warning with major money shifting to London .

Think of it as heat and then realize that the Dow Jones average just shuts down every other room in the house except the Kitchen then claims the whole house is nice and warm. Also many people now know about this from Prophetic dream that the markets international corporations use market knowledge from the future (information) received by the core group of controllers on earth which hold the markets together by being ahead of the market trends which they can only control by manipulation but cannot prevent from destruction

In order to break the time barrier the speed of light must be exceeded.

Particle Velocities Faster than the Speed of Light. 81. similar to (1). Now we choose x2' = x' and write. t2' : tR 47 itЈz. and. /. • ! i. i ! t. q': ...

Why USA will Obey Enoch & Ban Imported Oil into North America.

"The energy battle over. Understanding energy transfer and energy systems is the second step to destroying the limits to what humanity can next accomplish. The first step is commanding an interest in doing so from an inclined portion of the population."

Because if USA doesn't not obey Enoch will pick another country from North America make them the crown Jewel give them the secrets of the Universe reducing North America need for crude oil lower than for Whale oil is for lighting American homes.

Remember Edward called Enoch biological father was born in Quebec. When Edward was 17 he fell in love with Central America while working as an apprentice marine engineer, He admired Cuba for getting rid child molesters which used whore houses (animals on American ships complained about Castro shutting down in Havana).

Also North America fails to impress Enoch before Christ returns he has three other land masses he could choose to bless making one nation the most advanced nation on earth, totally free of the restraints and problems of the last century in every major area of human development

"The ancient Greeks taught that a "thought" was a product from a machine called a "mind" and the thought could live forever. Also in logic it understood that a thought from any mind can give those with wisdom all the information about the machine or mind that made it."

Imagine being a man who lived to work 90 hours a week solving problems for people who hated him on a daily basis, abused (thought a fool because he tried to live for Christ in quiet submission) using his 160 IQ to study problems he found boring reading scripture as food (overcome pain) with a spider for a wife (thought it was her right to destroy him since he was a white man & other white men she used beat her up for being a demonic controlled monster) finally stripped by a strange dangerous illness attacked his final sanctuary, his mind after destroying his body.

Having conviction that Christ loved him desire to obey find his perfect will, finding it doing it have the same people who destroyed him deny his legal rights in a court they controlled take his intellectual knowledge won in a desperate final battle for his mind use knowledge given to people who caused his destruction (tools they need to fix a broken army they caused by the exact same damage they did to this man of God) have these people claim they believe in God, truth, Justice and the American way just like superman but acting liking Hitler.

If I was the American Government I would stop trying to win an election they are about to lose a world.

Internal Energy of Matter

The term zeroth law was coined by Ralph H. Fowler. In many ways, the law is more fundamental than any of the others. However, the need to state it explicitly as a law was not perceived until the first third of the 20th century, long after the first three laws were already widely in use and named as such, hence the zero numbering. There is still some discussion about its status in relation to the other three laws.Equilibrium Between Many Systems

A simple example illustrates why the zeroth law is necessary to complete the equilibrium description. As stated previously, a pair of systems are in equilibrium if small exchanges (e.g., microscopic fluctuations, which are always present) in extensive quantities between them do not lead to a net change in the total energy of both systems (which would be unrecoverable if the energy were reduced). For simplicity, consider N systems in adiabatic isolation from the rest of the universe, both of which have a constant volume and composition, and can only exchange heat (entropy) with one another. (The results of this simple example have a straightforward extension to exchanges in volume or mass.)

The combined first and second laws relate the fluctations in total energy äU to the temperature of the ith system Ti and the entropy fluctuation in the ith system äSi by,

\delta U=\sum_i^NT_i\delta S_i.

The adiabatic isolation of the system from the remaining universe requires that the total sum of the entropy fluctuations vanishes,

\sum_i^N\delta S_i=0,

that is, entropy can only be exchanged between the N systems. This constraint can be used to re-arrange the expression for the total energy fluctuation to give,

\delta U=\sum_{i}^N(T_i-T_j)\delta S_i,

where Tj is the temperature of any system j we may choose to single out among the N systems. Finally, equilibrium requires the total fluctuation in energy to vanish, so we arrive at,

\sum_{i}^N(T_i-T_j)\delta S_i=0,

which can be thought of as the vanishing of the product of an anti-symmetric matrix TiTj and a vector of entropy fluctuations äSi. In order for a non-trivial solution to exist,

\delta S_i\ne 0,

the determinant of the matrix formed by TiTj must vanish for all choices of j. However, according to Jacobi's theorem, the determinant of an NxN anti-symmetric matrix is always zero if N is odd, although for N even we find that all of the entries must vanish, TiTj = 0, in order to obtain a vanishing determinant, and hence Ti = Tj at equilibrium. This non-intuitive result means that an odd number of systems are always in equilibrium regardless of their temperatures and entropy fluctuations, while equality of temperatures is only required between an even number of systems to achieve equilibrium in the presence of entropy fluctuations.

The zeroth law solves this odd vs. even paradox, because it can readily be used to reduce an odd-numbered system to an even number by considering any three of the N systems and eliminating one by application of its principle, and hence reduce the problem to even N which subsequently leads to the same equilibrium condition that we expect in every case, i.e., Ti = Tj. The same result applies to fluctations in any extensive quantity, such as volume (yielding the equal pressure condition), or fluctuations in mass (leading to equality of chemical potentials), and therefore the zeroth law carries implications for a great deal more than just temperature alone. In general, we see that the zeroth law breaks a certain kind of anti-symmetry which still persists in the first and second laws

The power of a curse is the demon that is in control of the person being cursed. The Prophet does nothing except given divine permission for that demon to kill those who it lives in. I write this to those that cursed God and his prophet which brought their own destruction . And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. The ancient Greeks taught that a "thought" was a product from a machine called a "mind" and the thought could live forever. Also in logic it understood that a thought from any mind can give those with wisdom all the information about the machine or mind that made it.

Religion is a historical record of God's dealing with man. It can be accurate or inaccurate depending upon the quality of those doing the recording. With the exception of a handful of pages in both the Old Testament and the New Testament it is a written record of man's understanding of the words of God as they perceived it. The actual words of God quoted by scribes are the highest & greatest power and value of scripture which crosses all the recorded history of all three religions of the God of Abraham, the rest is perception of the people reading it.

What God does to make his words have greatest impact is to use his prophets to underscore his words by using prophecies and judgments, and blessings and cursing on a personal, national, international stage. Many times the prophet is seeing things into the future not knowing exactly when but as real to the prophet as yesterday since the prophet has already experienced it through the mind of Christ.

A few prophets have been given the FIRST POWER, the ability to take people back from death, and the ability to cause death the exact same power given by God by his spoken words alone. God Bless one an all: freedom is born in the heart won on the field of honor, Each man is a king by his treatment of others becomes a slave by the hatred in his heart. If you hate a person you are a slave to that person the only way to be free is push that hatred out by asking for the person you hate to have all the good things in life you want for your self. Many who read what I write know that is Love at its core. Love is not weak nor is untruthful,